
Adult 精神病学 Outpatient Clinic

Adult 精神病学 Outpatient Unit

This clinic aims to educate psychiatric residents and psychology interns to evaluate and treat patients with a variety of modern techniques. As there are several other outpatient facilities in the community, the clinic emphasizes training and research while providing clinical services at reduced fees. The clinic offers trainees the opportunity to treat self-referred patients from every walk of life, many of whom are highly motivated for intensive psychotherapy.

Techniques of interviewing and ongoing therapy are demonstrated by members of the faculty for medical students and residents. Patients seeking therapy are evaluated in depth, often under direct faculty observation. If therapy seems appropriate, the trainee carries out the treatment program under close supervision. Individual psychotherapy, based on psychodynamic principles, is a major mode of treatment. 除了, residents are encouraged to use other methods, including behavior therapy, 家庭治疗, 团体治疗, and Intensive Short-Term Dynamic 心理治疗 as well as pharmacorherapy, alone or in conjunction with psychotherapy. The Outpatient Consultation Program affords the opportunity for liaison with other departments, as well as learning about the interface between medicine and psychiatry.

PGY-3 and 4 residents are assigned permanent individual offices in the Clinic, which is located in the Department of 精神病学 and is well equipped with one-way vision rooms and audio- visual equipment. The are approximately 6000 patient visits annually.