

The Clinical-Child track extends and deepens the interns base of professional development and promotes a rich understanding of the intrapsychic, 家族性, 学校, social and community/systems aspects of child psychopathology and psychotherapy.

朝着这些目标前进, the track provides intensive clinical and didactic experience in the range of activities that comprise the role of the clinical-child psychologist. Training is built around a core of experiences in treatment, 评估, 和孩子们的咨询, 青少年, 父母, 家庭, 学校和机构. This training is integrated with a broad range of clinical seminars. Emphasis is on the development of those clinical skills and theoretical concepts that are essential for psychologists entering a variety of career activities in the child mental health area.

The tracks theoretical orientation reflects an integration of intrapsychic, 发展, 家庭相互影响的, and cognitive-behavioral points of view.


  • The Child Track intern carries a caseload resulting in 10-12 outpatient hours per week. These cases are primarily drawn from the Child and Adolescent 精神病学 Clinic and involve working with children, 青少年 and 家庭 representing a wide range of ages, 类型 of disorders and treatment techniques. Child Track interns may also take on an adult treatment case if they elect to do so (e.g., through the Student Counseling Service). One-to-one 监督 is provided by different faculty at a minimum of 4 hours per week. There are also opportunities to collaborate with faculty in ongoing evaluations of treatment cases.
  • Each intern performs and observes 心理评估s of children and 家庭 referred by our own clinics, 学校项目, 和社区. Interns receive (at least) weekly 监督 of their 评估s and work as part of an ongoing Child and Adolescent Assessment Team through which they complete 4 - 5 评估s per year. (Adult Track interns may not complete a child or adolescent 评估 while on the Child Rotation, and the Child and Adolescent Assessment team is not a required part of the rotation.)
  • Each intern completes several diagnostic evaluations as part of the Child and Adolescent Diagnostic Team. 为了这个团队, interns (or 居民 or fellows) conduct an evaluation (which can include play, 心理评估, 诊断访谈, 家庭会议, 等.) while the supervisor and team of other clinicians (interns, 居民, and fellows) observe via video camera. The intern consults with the team during the initial diagnostic 评估 session and then works closely with the supervisor for the remaining evaluation and feedback sessions (often 4 to 5 sessions in total). (Adult Track Interns on the Child rotation typically complete one Diagnostic Evaluation.)
  • Interns attend and present case formulations on a rotating basis during the weekly Child and Adolescent Clinic Staffing meeting. (Adult Track interns on the Child rotation typically present one case at staffing meetings).
  • Each child intern participates, on a 4 month rotation, in the weekly 儿童精神病学/Medical Follow up consultation appointments at the Dept. of Pediatric Surgery's Outpatient Pediatric Medical Trauma Clinic. This program adds a psychological screening/psycho-education component to the standard post-hospital-discharge pediatric medical follow up. Cases involve children who have experienced various medically traumatic injuries (falls, 机动车辆事故, 行人/汽车/摩托车事故, 等.), with pediatric patients ranging in age from a few weeks old to late adolescence. Interns have an opportunity to observe both the medical follow up appointment and the psychological screening interview and psycho-education geared specifically to normalizing certain reactions and providing resources to the family when/if they are needed. 随着时间的推移, the intern will conduct some of these interview themselves, under 监督 of the faculty member involved


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders Program 


A nationally recognized center for the 评估 and treatment of ADHD. Clients referred to this clinic for evaluation undergo a comprehensive protocol of rating scales, 面试, 心理测试. ADHD Clinic Interns observe and/or participate in ADHD evaluations.


ENHANCE Excellence in Health Care for Abused and Neglected Children 


A nationally recognized multidisciplinary (pediatrics, 儿童精神病学, 发育儿科, social work) clinic which provides comprehensive health care to children in foster care. An intern involved with the ENHANCE Clinic will gain experience in 诊断访谈ing, 发展评估, 多学科会诊, 以及系统问题. Interns work in a primary care setting to address mental health issues of foster care children. (All Child Track interns participate, 1 intern at a time for a period of 4 months)




The medical trauma service consists of observations and direct clinical work with individuals presenting at the hospital for medically related traumas.  Interns will observe and engage in direct clinical care including brief 评估s using evidence-based measures, brief interventions using cognitive behavioral therapy techniques (e.g., 心理教育, 应对技能的重要性, learning additional coping skills), and assisting with establishing outpatient care for patients as needed.  Interns will also work as a key member of an interdisciplinary team, engage in case consultations as well as liaison work with medical staff, as well as assist with training/teaching of staff members if they are interested and as availability allows. 


Adolescent Intensive Outpatient Program

Psy的Jessica Costosa-Umina.D.

Provides comprehensive treatment to high acuity teens and their 家庭. The program is created to provide treatment for teens that have suicide ideation, 自残, experience chronic emotion dysregulation and engage in problematic impulsive behaviors. The Child and Adolescent Outpatient program consists of two programs, 1) Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) which is a Dialectical Behavior Treatment (DBT) - informed, short-term (10 weeks) program for teens and family that present with a high level of acuity (i.e., recently discharged from inpatient psychiatric treatment, history of ED visits, high suicidality).




Group is an elective rotation offered to interns on the child track.  在4个月的选修课中, participants commit 3-4 hours per week to facilitating/cofacilitating a therapy group, 监督, and administrative and case management tasks. Interns will learn about group conceptualization and formation and theories of group development and leadership while facilitating a group within the child and adolescent outpatient clinic.


Child Consultation-Liaison Elective

Jennifer Rapke,鸟叔.D.

Interns rotate on a child inpatient psychiatric consultation-liaison team in Golisano Children's Hospital, where they interact with a variety of patients and teams from across the spectrum of the medical professions.


Pediatric Health Psychology Elective


"Health psychology elective offers an opportunity to utilize foundational therapy techniques and 评估 skills in a medical setting. This elective differs from the inpatient child consult rotation in that patients are recovering from acute and chronic physical ailments and related medical diagnoses. Diagnostic 评估 is emphasized to clarify the role of psychological and medical symptoms in effort to contribute to the medical conceptualization and treatment plan of a patient. Supervisors are all fellowship trained pediatric psychologists. Interns would spend 2-3 hours, one day a week with this elective. Patient populations include endocrinology, 神经学, 肺学, 胃肠病学, 血液学/肿瘤学, 燃烧, 虐待儿童, 以及普通医学. This elective allows interns a unique learning experience where the ultimate overlay of physical and mental health come together in an effort to promote integrative wellness.”



Psychological and Developmental Assessment Clinic

This specialty clinic uses psychological testing to enhance understanding of particularly challenging cases and generate useful recommendations. Batteries often include completing a review of records, 临床访谈, collaboration with referring or other providers, as well as completing a range of psychological measures. Interns will be observed by staff to assist with proper administration via live feed video. Interns will also have the opportunity to observe staff conduct psychological tests. Batteries can include, depending on the clinical question, a general cognitive measure (i.e. WISC – V); an academic measure (i.e. WIAT – III); collateral report measures (i.e. BASC 3); 发展 measures (i.e. ADOS – 2); objective personality measures (i.e. Millon Preadolescent Clinical Inventory) and projective measures (i.e. Rorschach Inkblots R-PAS scoring system; storytelling tasks , i.e.,罗伯茨,TAT/CAT). (All child track interns participate)


The Child and Adolescent 精神病学 Intake/Consultation Service

The gateway to the overall array of services in our Child and Adolescent 精神病学 Clinic. Whenever 父母 call the clinic for an appointment, a consultation is scheduled with a clinical child psychologist. The goal of the consultation is to provide the family with some direction and to determine the need for further services. Psychology interns have the opportunity to be involved in this process by observing and/or actively participating in the consultations. (This is a required activity for Adult Track interns on the Child Rotation.)



Child Track interns participate in didactic experiences that are specific to Child and Adolescent Treatment. 实习生每周参加 孩子轮 during which research and/or clinical material is presented and discussed by professionals from various disciplines. They also attend the following seminars:



Drs. 萨列茨基和古德曼

是每周一次的研讨会, co-led by Drs Ron Saletsky and Nancy Goodman, which focuses on developing and maintaining therapeutic relationships with children and their 父母 from early childhood through adolescence.  主题包括, but are not limited to: therapy process, the centrality of the therapeutic relationship, 初步接触, 开始的独特方面, middle and end phases of treatment, identifying defenses and how to work with them, awareness of transference/countertransference and making it therapeutic, making collateral contacts useful, consultation to other disciplines, working with special populations and conditions, 游戏治疗和象征性游戏, parent-child dyadic therapy and cognitive-behavioral approaches to anxiety.  




The Trauma Seminar is held weekly.  The goals of our time together are to review the prevalence rates, 类型, and impacts of childhood trauma exposure on both children and adults.  Students will also learn how to assess and discuss individuals’ trauma histories within a therapeutic context as well as explore trauma informed therapies, evidence-based trauma therapies, 创伤信息系统.  We will also have 2-3 colleagues from social work who may join us if schedules allow.  There will be weekly readings to assist with accomplishing these goals.  We typically have trainees (aside from our child interns) rotate through this seminar. 


Treatment for High Acuity Youth

Psy的Jessica Costosa-Umina.D.

这个研讨会提供了教学方法, readings and interactive discussion related to working with High Acuity Youth. 前ics that will be covered will include overview of recent trends in suicide and self-harm behaviors in teens, Impact of social media on teen mental health, Borderline Personality Disorder in 青少年, 评估自杀风险, and an overview of Dialectical Behavior Therapy.  




This seminar focuses on using psychological and 发展 testing to enhance understanding of children and 青少年. This seminar meets weekly for the majority of the training year. Interns will review and discuss general 评估 principles, such as how to generate appropriate referral questions and thoughtful 评估 报告写作. Interns will learn about and practice the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, 2nd edition (ADOS-2, primarily Modules 3 and 4) and measures of adaptive functioning. They will also have opportunities to learn about the use of projective and personality measures in the child and adolescent populations. Opportunities for supervised administration of testing, 报告写作, and providing 家庭 with 评估 feedback may be available on different rotations (e.g., outpatient clinic, IOP, inpatient). Opportunities for shadowing multi-disciplinary 发展评估 will also be available.